Renzo Calderan gallery -- Catalogue
Old Master Paintings
purchase - sales - estimates
Old Master Paintings
purchase - sales - estimates
I invite you to visit my passionately and carefully selected range of 15th to 18th century fine art paintings. A thorough choice of Italian, Flemish, Nordic and French schools artworks is presented to you.
Every painting is supported by an accurate professional documentation. An up to date art imaging technology provides an efficient and convivial way to discover and select each painting.
My goal, with this site, is to offer you an efficient and friendly way to discover and select each painting based on the best conditions offered by current imaging techniques.
If you visit us in Paris, we will be delighted to arrange a private viewing of the paintings which are also exhibited at several antique shows, in partnership with Jadis Antiquités
In order to better understand the conventions used along the display, we propose, hereafter a simple glossary of usual terms for these artworks. Please note that they correspond to the best of our qualified opinion.
If the name of the painter is attached, with no addition, it implies that the painting is definitely recognized to be originating from this painter.